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Жительница Калифорнии более 10 лет путешествовала на лодке с кошкой

18:00, 22 января, 2017
Жительница Калифорнии более 10 лет путешествовала на лодке с кошкой
18:00, 22 января, 2017
Источник фото: instagram.com/captainlizclark

Впечатлениями и фотографиями своего питомца она делилась в соцсетях.

США. 35-летняя Лиз Кларк из Калифорнии более 10 лет путешествовала на своей лодке вдоль западного побережья Мексики и Центральной Америки, а также по южной части Тихого океана. Об этом сообщает TJournal.

«Раньше Кларк работала барменом в Сан-Диего, но с детства мечтала о путешествиях. В 2006 году она уволилась и воплотила свою мечту в жизнь. В 2013 году с ней на борту поселилась спасённая ею кошка Амелия, которую Кларк иногда также называет «Тропикэт», - пишет издание.

В 2014 году американка попала в номинацию «Искатель приключений» журнала National Geographic. 

Holydays! being present is such a Present!! wilderness too!! Ahhhh a bit of leisurely nature immersion before we get some plant-based recipes cookin! ...each tree gets a hug & kiss today! Love and Light to each of you from our hearts to yours...

We are standing with Standing Rock in Tahiti for today's NODAPL Day of Action, when indigenous leaders are calling on people to stand with the Standing Rock Sioux. The tribe's water supply is upstream of the Missouri River, which provides water for 18 million people. The Dakota Access Pipeline, which would run under this water source, has not gone through a proper, thorough environmental review. Massive pipelines like this one are often permitted through a loophole where they're divvied up into a bunch of smaller sections that don't go through federal environmental review. This is how the Army Corps of Engineers is giving Dakota Access a permit for 200 river crossings. NRDC has consistently pushed back on this mechanism because it's so frequently abused by pipeline companies to fast-track their projects. We're opposed to pipelines that don't undergo proper environmental review, can harm communities, or can damage drinking water. You can take action, too. Click link in bio to sign our petition asking Obama to stand with the Standing Rock Sioux and say no to the sacrifice of indigenous rights and sacred land. @patagonia defendmotherearth soon LiveBravely and trust the journey.@patagonia_surf @mizulife @loveavasol @zealoptics @ecoflex_ @9for17

"Thousands of years ago cats were worshiped as gods, they never forgot this."

Heading for NYC today! first time in the big for this sailor. Join me at 7pm tomorrow night at @patagoniabowery for a short film screening and panel discussion with these amazing women: @kraussingaround singer of Sleigh Bells & co-founder of Truth.Lies.Beauty blog, @d_spindelzinski UN consultant and teacher at Columbia University, @shaneyjo founder of @keepabreast and @nontoxicrev, and @caitierowe Global Operations Director of @wavesforwater ... so excited to celebrate their stories! womeninactivism @patagonia @patagonia_surf Photo by @dmosqphoto!

On the road again ... Cardiff rocked!! So touched by the over 200 people who came out the event at @patagoniacardiff on Thursday!! What an amazing group of humans! Good vibes galore & so much hope for humanity!! @patagonia_surf ourchoicesdefineus Choices! free event with live music, refreshments, my short film screening, group yoga movement by @c_l_s, & a panel discussion between women in activism: Anna Cummins of @5gyres, Shayna Gladstone of @nu_mundo, and the legendary Peggy Oki of the original Dogtown & Z-boys skate crew turned cetacean activist through her Oragami Whales Project!! Doors open at 7pm!! if you womeninactivism @patagonia @patagonia_surf Photo by @dmosqphoto!

On the road again ... Cardiff rocked!! So touched by the over 200 people who came out the event at @patagoniacardiff on Thursday!! What an amazing group of humans! Good vibes galore & so much hope for humanity!! @patagonia_surf #ignitepositivechange #ourchoicesdefineus #steerwithyourheart

Sailing into @patagoniasm Santa Monica today for the Journeys to Activism event!! Join us for a celebration of #Choices! free event with live music, refreshments, my short film screening, group yoga movement by @c_l_s, & a panel discussion between women in activism: Anna Cummins of @5gyres, Shayna Gladstone of @nu_mundo, and the legendary Peggy Oki of the original Dogtown & Z-boys skate crew turned cetacean activist through her Oragami Whales Project!! Doors open at 7pm!! if you can't make it, this event will be Live Streamed via the Patagonia FB page at 7:30pm, link in my bio! #ourchoicesdefineus #ignitepositivechange @patagonia_surf @patagonia by @dmosqphoto !!

Where we feel vulnerable means there's room to grow ... nervous for my speaking event tonight after many years without speaking in front of a group ... but leaning into fear has always made for beautiful surprises and deepened connection to others. missed my flight last night but made it on standby this morning ... on my way!! ourchoicesdefineus #ignitepositivechange

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